Students are introduced to the key challenges and problems of applied statistics. They acquire new skills to work with various kinds of statistical data, study the basic methods of applied statistics, including analysis and time series forecasting, learn to solve routine problems of applied statistics.

Content: The basic architecture of high-performance computers and
information networks, the methods and tools for parallel processing:
parallel processing algorithms, ways of its representation, parallel
computing software and its implementation, basic functions for
process management and implementation of the IPC, the definition
and basic principles of distributed Grid computing systems with
infrastructure, its purpose, function and architecture features.
   Programming systems with shared and distributed memory using
OpenMP and MPI; description and launching of computing tasks in
the Grid infrastructure, solving of problems in the system and the
Torque batch processing software, ARC NorduGrid.
   The main directions of development of high performance
computing, distributed computing technology and data processing,
the current implementation of Grid technologies in projects EGEE
and NorduGrid.