Content: Theoretical and practical aspects of information security. Problems of copyright protecting, confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of data processed in informational telecommunication systems. General requirements for the construction of a secure information system. Cryptographic methods of information protection. The concept of the modern mathematical methods used in cryptography. Symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems. Usage of cryptographic methods for identification and authentication. Cryptanalysis. Random variables generation with a given distribution law. Steganographic methods for information protection. Digital watermarks. Principles of steganalysis. Methods for source and binary code protection.

Content: Intranet - identifying risks, risk analysis, a system of counteraction to develop responses to possible violations of information security. IPv4, IPv6 networks and IPsec technology. Virtual private networks. RADIUS. Network quarantine. A public key infrastructure. Multi-factor authentication. Smart cards. Secure data storage and processing on the host OS. Security of network devices 2 and 3 levels. TACACS, RADIUS - solutions. The hardware implementation of IPSec, VPN. Hardware implementation of firewalls, IDS, IPS