After finishing this course, students should know: the basic concepts and definitions of computer networks; basics of LAN and WAN networks construction; descriptions of routing protocols. Students should to be able: to diagnose network malfunctions; to carry out a choice of the necessary equipment for networks; to have an idea: about methods of network design; about existing protocols and their features; about ways of networks optimization.

Students know and understand the purpose and the architecture of an operating system, and in particular memory and  tasks management; they are able to install an OS; they know, can apply and program shell commands for Linux and Windows OS ; they understand multitasking and concurrent programming and can analyze and write small concurrent programs in C or Java.

As a result of discipline studying students should know:
• the basic constructs, principles and mechanism of modern object-oriented language;
be able:
• to define and use classes;
• to develop applications;
• to use modern IDE .
have an idea:
• about memory volume and performance estimating.